혼밥말고 (Don't Eat Alone!) is a club for GIST students to have lunch together on designated Fridays to meet new people and to chat casually in English. Participants should bring their own lunch at 12:00 and meet in GIST College B-102,
which has a microwave oven as well as a hot water dispenser.
혼밥말고's informal lunch is meant to encourage conversations in English
and to help students improve their social skills/network by meeting new people.
Because every GIST student has free access to Microsoft Teams through their @gm.gist.ac.kr email account,
students can join the club or sign-up for lunches by using this link:
To join a lunch, please sign-up by clicking on ➔ General ➔ Files ➔ Lunch Schedule.docx
Seating is limited, and remember to have a nice time with everyone you meet!