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Language Clinic



Home > Language Clinic > Registration
1. How to register for clinic appointments:

  1) If you are new to LEC’s registration system, CLICK “Join” in the upper right-hand corner. You will be asked to provide information in order to register your student ID and password which are needed to login.
  2) CLICK “Login” in the upper right-hand corner and sign in using your student ID and password. 
  3) Look at the schedule below and CLICK on an available teacher who matches your schedule.  A green dot indicates that this appointment time is available.
  4) CLICK “Registration Confirmation” to confirm your appointment.

2. Zoom IDs:

Clinic appointments are conducted online via Zoom or Microsoft Teams. After registering for an appointment, use the links below to meet at the appointed time.
 1) English clinic
Mr. Ellis Lee
For English Clinic, please contact him on Microsoft Teams.
Mr. Reece Randall
Zoom Link
Meeting ID
936 0662 5143
Mr. John Wills
Zoom Link
Meeting ID
875 838 5987
Mr. Jeffrey Baldwin
Zoom Link
Meeting ID
390 877 8331
MR. Thomas Turner
Zoom Link
2) Korean clinic


Ms. Shim Sun Hyang [Korean Clinic]
Offline. Please directly go to the office College B-101



3. Important notes:

   - A maximum of 2 appointments per week for English clinics can be scheduled.
   - More than 2 cancellations and/or absences will result in no clinic for the rest of the semester.
   - Arriving more than 10 minutes late will be recorded as an absence.
   - Cancellations must be made more than 48 hours in advance. The clinic registration system does not allow cancellations within 48 hours of the appointment time.
   - Group clinics are possible. Please contact your instructor to adjust the number of members.
   - Although registering in advance is recommended, walk-in appointments are possible.
Available Available(ing) Unable(Full) Date Passed My Count Full My Schedule
Time 2024-07-22 2024-07-23 2024-07-24 2024-07-25 2024-07-26
09:00 ~ 09:30
09:30 ~ 10:00
10:00 ~ 10:30
10:30 ~ 11:00
11:00 ~ 11:30
11:30 ~ 12:00
12:00 ~ 12:30
12:30 ~ 13:00
13:00 ~ 13:30
13:30 ~ 14:00
14:00 ~ 14:30
14:30 ~ 15:00
15:00 ~ 15:30
15:30 ~ 16:00
16:00 ~ 16:30
16:30 ~ 17:00
17:00 ~ 17:30
17:30 ~ 18:00


123 Cheomdan-gwagiro(Oryong-dong), Buk-gu, Gwangju 61005, Republic of Korea
TEL: +82-62-715-6652

Copyright 2024 GIST Language Education Center. All rights reserved.
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