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'Academic Argument Workshop' schedule change

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작성자 LEC 작성일16-05-11 11:19 조회5,508회 댓글0건


Hello, students

I'm writing to announce that there is a slight schedule change in 6th English Workshop "Academic Argument Wokshop".

It was supposed to be 5/13(Friday) but due to GIST College Sports Day on that day, we changed the date of the workshop. Time and Location is the same though.

Check the changed schedule below.

Title: Academic Argument Workshop

Instructor: James Robertson

Date: Friday 20th May 2016

Time: 10:00am~11;30am

Location: College A 106  

I hope you don't get confused !!

For registration, click https://language.gist.ac.kr/workshop/  

Thank you :) 


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