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2016 Fall Essay Contest

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작성자 최고관리자 작성일16-11-03 16:20 조회5,904회 댓글0건



2016 Fall Essay Contest Rules

1st Prize: iPad
2nd Prize: Bluetooth Earphone
3rd Prize: Bluetooth Keyboard

1. Read the Topic on the poster.
2. Write an English essay that answers this question.
3. Support your arguments with data or other evidence.
4. Your essay must be entirely your own work; when you quote or refer to other people’s words or ideas, you must properly credit the source.
5. Submit your file in an easily readable file format. (.docx is recommended.)
6. Submit your completed essay to this email and the subject line of the email should be Essay Contest 2016: gistlec.essay@gmail.com
7. Students seeking guidance or help are encouraged to do so through the English Clinic. Getting help in planning, critique, asking questions and making improvements are all acceptable.
However, English instructors will not provide editing or proofreading.
8. Your deadline is:  2016 November 20th(Sunday) 23:59pm  (late submissions will not be accepted).

Essay Rules   
1. Only currently enrolled GIST students may enter (undergraduate or graduate students).
2. Your essay should be 750-1000 words.
3. Students should not include their names in their entry, but should use their student number as their file title (e.g. 20163702.docx)
4. Essays must be original work which has not been published before, or submitted as homework in any course.
5. Any entrants who plagiarize will be disqualified from this, and future contests.
Submissions will be checked thoroughly for plagiarism, so check your work before submission.
6. If they write a submission for this contest, students accept responsibility to adhere to the rules of this contest, including submission deadlines, file format, and all other deadlines. The Language Education Center is not responsible to judge or assist with late submissions, improperly formatted submissions, or any other rules violations.

If you have a question about it, feel free to ask us. :)

Language Education Center
Collge B - 102
T. 062-715-3702


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123 Cheomdan-gwagiro(Oryong-dong), Buk-gu, Gwangju 61005, Republic of Korea
TEL: +82-62-715-6652

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