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2021 LEC Korean Crossword Puzzle Event Information

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작성자 최고관리자 작성일21-10-12 09:17 조회3,609회 댓글0건


2021 LEC Korean Crossword Puzzle Event Information
PRIZES: Baskin Robbins Gifticons (200 people) and Starbucks souvenir (3 raffle winners)
ELIGIBILITY: GIST members (Both international and Korean)
DEADLINE: October 22, 2021 (Fri)
ANNOUNCEMENT OF ANSWERS & RAFFLE: October 29, 2021 (Fri) on the LEC website
(1) Refer to the hints below the crossword puzzle and fill in the blanks by hand.
(2) Only one submission is accepted per person.
(3) If you have any questions, feel free to contact LEC’s Korean professor (jessica21@gist.ac.kr).
(1) Scan your completed handwritten crossword and submit an image(jpeg, png) file to: gistlec.korean@gmail.com.
(2) Deadline: October 22nd (Fri) 23:59 PM (Late submissions will not be accepted.)
(3) By entering this event, participants give LEC permission to post their work on various online platforms such as webpages for LEC, GIST, and GIST College as well as LEC's YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook page.
General Inquiry (LEC Admin): flora7027@gist.ac.kr / T.062-715-3703


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123 Cheomdan-gwagiro(Oryong-dong), Buk-gu, Gwangju 61005, Republic of Korea
TEL: +82-62-715-6652

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