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2021 GIST Newspaper Workshop (Feb 1st)

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작성자 최고관리자 작성일21-01-21 16:17 조회3,319회 댓글0건


Dear GIST students,

LEC would like to introduce our first online English workshop to you.
Please see the information below and register at our website (https://language.gist.ac.kr/workshop/).

  GIST Newspaper Workshop

Description: Newspapers are important in bringing communities together, and we can create a stronger sense of campus community by improving the GIST Newspaper. If you are interested in helping the GIST Newspaper as a reporter, artist, or photographer, please join us for this workshop! 
This workshop will cover:
• A brief introduction to the GIST Newspaper 
• A short history of newspapers and their role 
• The structure of news papers articles 
• Interviewing people for an article 
• Taking pictures for an article 
• Keeping the grammar simple 
• Writing Editorials 
• Tips and suggestions 
Presented by: GIST신문 Editor 고송주 and Ellis Lee 
Online workshop via Microsoft Teams: Feb 1st (Mon) 14:00 pm    
To join this workshop, use the Microsoft Teams Code: 6gk8p6i 

Registration deadline: Jan 31st (Sun)  

Best regards,

Language Education Center

[언어교육센터] GIST Newspaper Workshop (Feb 1st) 사진_1


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123 Cheomdan-gwagiro(Oryong-dong), Buk-gu, Gwangju 61005, Republic of Korea
TEL: +82-62-715-6652

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