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2024 LEC Video Contest

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작성자 학사기획실(언어교육) 작성일24-03-11 16:58 조회2,256회 댓글0건



2024 LEC Video Contest
Simply explain a scientific principle, concept, or idea to a general audience

  • Who can enter? Currently enrolled GIST student who are on campus!
  • When is the deadline? May 7, 2024 (Tuesday) – Time flies so start soon!
  • Where can I submit my video? 

The rules are simple: Create a short 3 to 5 minute video in English explaining a scientific principle, concept, or idea to a general audience that lacks a background in science.
Basically, think about how you would explain science to high school students or to your parents.

You are only allowed to use props or models in your video, but you cannot use PowerPoint, posters, charts, diagrams, or pictures. Basically, this contest was inspired by FameLab and tries to follow the same spirit by focusing on great presentation skills to explain science.

  • English
  • 3 to 5 minutes .MP4 or .MOV video file
  • 720p or better (smaller than 1 GB) without any editing
  • Name the file with your student number: 2XXX1234.MP4/.MOV
  • Video submission (by May 7)
  • Winning videos will be featured on the LEC YouTube page
  • Remember not to edit your video (mistakes are okay!)

Note: Avoid plagiarism by not using other source materials... just make your own prop! 
  • Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjH2ylNC5Uw
Tips: Try not to read in your video presentation (but referring to notes is perfectly okay), and pick a topic that you think the public should know more about and explain it to them like...
  • Nobel Prize discoveries
  • how mRNA vaccines work
  • how large language models work for AI
  • how to preserve battery life for smartphones
  • how fermentation makes kimchee taste better
  • or anything creative that you think is interesting!
We look forward to seeing your creative and engaging videos!
Thank you.


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