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Winners of the 11th English Essay Contest!

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작성자 미래교육센터 작성일21-05-27 16:22 조회4,043회 댓글0건



Here are the winners from the LEC 11th English Essay Contest.
1st place - 2021**63
2nd place - 201*120
3rd place – 201**19
4th place – 201**02
TOP 14(Gifticon): 201**821, 202**040, 202**037, 202**058, 202**019, 202**026, 202**048, 201**125, 202**061, 201**064
Please refer to the attachments to read the TOP 4 essays in full.
Our online ceremony will be held on 3rd June (Thr) at 4 pm and we highly recommend TOP 4 winners to join this.
Also, LEC would like to thank ALL the participants and award you with a participation prize, so please click the link below to receive yours. You can pick up your participation prize from 28th May (Fri) to 3rd June (Thr) at College B 102 LEC office.
or copy and paste the link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSduC2FTa9pNlg3pd4nhvIDadEGbCbzCQ9EvhSECYxtAAClCxw/viewform
Thank you, again, to everyone who participated. We look forward to seeing more participants next year!
Language Education Center


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