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2021 Trivia Night (Online English Quiz Event)

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작성자 최고관리자 작성일21-04-26 14:18 조회3,823회 댓글0건


Trivia Night
Are you ready to show off your knowledge while competing with your classmates and winning great prizes? Join us for our LEC Trivia Night. You can solve puzzles, answer trivia and have a great time in a relaxing environment. Top teams will win free chicken. 1st place will win Samsung Galaxy Earbuds!
Trivia night categories will include Geography, Flags, Name that Song and many more fun and exciting topics. There will be something for everyone's interests.
  • 1st place: Samsung Galaxy Earbuds
  • 1st-3rd: Winner Chicken Dinner
  • All participants: Baskin Robbins single scoop
  • Event Date: Thursday May 27th, 4:00pm
  • Group Registration Deadline: Thursday May 20th at midnight
Student Requirements
  • Students may register as individual or as a team of 2-3 people
  • Please register via a google form (include Team name). If you are joining as part of a team please register together, using one form ▼
  • https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSck9p_kaOQMmWdHpy0ug_cDWSpAMzQGR6SOUtzirkntgaSKXw/viewform
  • Students will each join the Trivia Night via a Zoom meeting, but must also be able to meet their team with another forum (Kakao Group Call, FaceTime, etc.)Zoom Meeting Information will be sent to all students who sign up for the event on May 21th, as well as all other information you will need.
Registration (QR Code)

2021 Trivia Night QR Code


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123 Cheomdan-gwagiro(Oryong-dong), Buk-gu, Gwangju 61005, Republic of Korea
TEL: +82-62-715-6652

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