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2021 Spring 'Language Exchange Program' Recruitment

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작성자 최고관리자 작성일21-03-08 13:53 조회2,879회 댓글0건



Language Exchange Program (Doran Doran: 도란도란) is designed to help Korean and international students understand each other's language and culture by performing language exchange activities. The Language Education Center seeks to recruit Korean and international students who can share their language and culture of their home country to cultivate our learning environment at GIST. We highly encourage you to participate in this program.
1. Purpose
 - Korean and international students work as language practice partners to help each other adapt to school life on campus
2. Period
 - 2021 Spring Semester (March 19, 2021 – June 18, 2021)
3. Activities
 1) Performing language missions provided by the LEC
  - At least 20 hours required (2 hours of online meetings is recommended per week.)
  - Mandatory participation in orientation and closing ceremony
 2) Submit Report
  - Activity report: 10 times (including photos) 
  - Awards: 1st, 2nd, 3rd place certificates issued to top teams
4. Recruitment Target
 1) 10 Korean (or students whose mother tongue is Korean) and 10 international students
   ※ Students register individually and are matched with a partner.
 2) Students eligible to be on campus during 2021 Spring semester
   ※ No students on leave. 
5. Recruitment Deadline
 - 2021.3.17.
6. How to apply 
 1) Submit application via email (flora7027@gist.ac.kr)
   ※ In email subject line write: [Language Exchange Program] (Student Name)’s Application
 2) Application Form: Posted on the LEC website (https://language.gist.ac.kr)
   ※ Consent to use and provide personal information for the selection of participants is mandatory
7. Review details
 - Comprehensive evaluation of motivation, past experience in mentoring and/or exchange programs, activity plans, and willingness to participate shall be conducted, and the number of participants shall be selected depending on the demand and eligibility of applicants.
   ※ Students with experience in language exchange programs or mentoring programs are given priority
8. Schedule
‘21.3.19. 10:00am
Attendance mandatory
At least 20 hours required
(2 hours of online meetings is recommended per week.)
 Closing Ceremony
‘21.6.18. (TBA)
Program Satisfaction Survey required
Awards for the top 3 te
※ Schedule is subject to change
9. Support and Benefit 
 1) Expenses for cultural activities (approx. 100,000 won worth)
   ※ Only provided when meeting activity standards and submitting evidence (photo, etc.)
 2) Souvenir gift from Language Exchange Program
10. Contacts and Precautions
 - Language Education Center T.062-715-3703, flora7027@gist.ac.kr
 - Precautions
  ① Documents will not be returned.
  ② If applicants do not meet the selection criteria, fewer applicants may be selected, and the number of participants may vary depending on the number of international students and circumstances.
  ③ The photos and stories of participants may be posted on various media and used for public use in the future.
  ④ All rights, such as portrait rights of participants, belong to GIST.
  ⑤ If a participant fails to perform their duties, gives up, fails to meet activity standards, or causes controversy against social convention, activity subsidies may be suspended and activity benefits may be cancelled or recovered.
11. Attachments
 1) Recruitment 1 copy.
 2) Application 1 copy.
Thank you.
Language Education Center


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123 Cheomdan-gwagiro(Oryong-dong), Buk-gu, Gwangju 61005, Republic of Korea
TEL: +82-62-715-6652

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