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2020 Online Speech/Video Contest Winners Announcement

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작성자 최고관리자 작성일20-12-08 17:27 조회3,073회 댓글0건


Hello everyone,  

We’re happy to announce the winners of this year’s LEC English Speech/Video contest. Although we usually gather for major events such as this, we are only making this announcement digitally for the sake of safety this year. Winners are asked to individually stop by the LEC office (College B102) during working hours next week (Dec. 14th-18th). 

1st Place: Heo Dong-mi (허동미)
2nd Place:  Jeong Chan-young (정찬영)
3rd Place: Ekta Srivastava 

We’d like to thank everyone for their interest and participation in spite of this busy online COVID-19 semester. We hope to continue to receive your interest and participation in other LEC contests in the future. 

2020 Speech Contest Winner Announcement.PNG


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