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2020 Trivia Night (Online English Quiz Event)

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작성자 최고관리자 작성일20-11-02 15:07 조회3,822회 댓글0건



Trivia Night
Event Description
This fun evening event will consist of a variety of categories of trivia questions. Each category will consist of 5~10 questions. For each question (or set of questions) teams will have time to discuss and then submit their answers to the Scorekeeper. Rounds will alternate between easy/hard and familiar/unfamiliar categories.  

  - Announcement of Event: Monday, Nov. 2nd
  - Group Registration Deadline: Thursday Nov. 19th at midnight
  - Trivia Night Main Event: Thursday Nov. 26th from 7 to 9 PM

Student Requirements
  - Students may register as individual or as a team of 2-3 people
  - Please register via a google form (include Team name). If you are joining as part of a team please register together, using one form : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScmrdLqbAmcWKvfcPwghipQEVztGvzV85NChEZa4wuSvwt8fA/viewform?usp=sf_link
  - Students will each join the Trivia Night via a Zoom meeting, but must also be able to meet their team with another forum (Kakao Group Call, FaceTime, etc.)
     * Zoom Meeting Information will be sent to all students who sign up for the event on November 20th, as well as all other information you will need.
  - Participation prize: Baskin Robbins 31 single cone coupon each
  - Winning team: Chicken coupon
2020 Trivia Night Poster.PNG


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.


123 Cheomdan-gwagiro(Oryong-dong), Buk-gu, Gwangju 61005, Republic of Korea
TEL: +82-62-715-6652

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