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2020 Online English Video / Speech Contest

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작성자 최고관리자 작성일20-10-12 14:11 조회5,236회 댓글0건



2020 English Speech/Video Contest Information
For more detailed information go to our Speech Contest website.
THEME:  “What message would you send to the past?” (a past version of yourself, past generations, a famous person in history)

1st Prize: iPad mini
2nd Prize: VR Headset
3rd Prize: Bluetooth speaker
(1) Submit a 3-5 minute video of your speech addressing the theme “What message would you send to the past?” You could send a message to a past version of yourself, to past generations, or to a famous person in history, etc.  Example messages include: invest in bitcoin, set up your home for social distancing, and dear President please.
(2) Submit by November 8th 11:59pm using the LEC Google Form application
(3) The video must be your original work. Submit only once.
(4) Finalists’ videos will be presented on our LEC site on Nov. 16th to be judged by online peer voting and official judges .
(5) All currently enrolled GIST students that are non-native English speakers (undergraduate or graduate) can participate.
(6) Score is based on  60% English and 40% video style.
(7) If you have any questions or need help, feel free to contact an LEC instructor.
(1)  Between 3 to 5 minutes in duration, the video can be edited.
(2)  Be creative! Use your best presentation skills, video editing skills, and props to share your message.
(3)  Using the highest quality of video (HD, etc.) is NOT a part of the scoring criteria. Share an unlisted YouTube video to submit your video file. (If you have any issues please contact the LEC.)
For example videos, visit the
Speech Contest website.
(1) Submit your video using the Google Form application on the LEC website or submit by
clicking here.
(2) Deadline: 2020 November 8th (Sunday) 23:59. (Late submissions will not be accepted.)
Language Education Center, College B – 102, 062-715-3703

2020 Speech Contest Poster.PNG


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123 Cheomdan-gwagiro(Oryong-dong), Buk-gu, Gwangju 61005, Republic of Korea
TEL: +82-62-715-6652

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