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Korean Language Class, Fall 2020

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작성자 최고관리자 작성일20-08-21 11:58 조회5,493회 댓글0건



Language Education Center (LEC) is offering Korean classes for GIST international students, exchange students, internship students, faculty, researchers, and their family on campus.
Please be noted these non-credit classes are ONLY free for GIST international students and exchange students.
2020 fall timetable.PNG
♣ Session Period: 16 weeks from September 1 (Tue) 2020 to December 18 (Fri) 2020
♣ Note
1. Seats are limited.
2. Family members of GIST students and faculty are welcome, but registered GIST students have priority.
3. If you wish to take this class, please contact Dr. Lee (
  - Korean placement test will be conducted on the first day of the class or before.
  - Class textbook or materials will be announced by Dr. Lee.
♣ How to Apply
1. Submit your application to the LEC admin(
flora7027@gist.ac.kr) via email.
2. Deadline: September 11 (Fri) 2020
3. Class tuition: 100,000 won per class
  * If this course is cancelled for any reason, you will receive a full refund.
♣ For further information contact:
1. Your Instructor : Dr. Sorim Lee (
2. Language Education Center : T. 062-715-3703 or


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123 Cheomdan-gwagiro(Oryong-dong), Buk-gu, Gwangju 61005, Republic of Korea
TEL: +82-62-715-6652

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