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[2021 도란도란 3기] Group Announcement

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작성자 최고관리자 작성일21-09-16 16:17 조회3,418회 댓글0건


Thank you for your interests in LEC’s Language Exchange Program. We are glad to say that you have been selected to join our Language Exchange Program(도란도란) for the 2021 Fall semester.

Please find your partner in the table below. During this semester you will have time to learning about each other’s language and cultural backgrounds. 

Group Name Student ID Name Student ID
1 Mihret Abebe 20215217 조희원 20211156
2 Meryem Alizade 20215218 김민석 20205021
3 Kena Melkamu Bulcha 20215220 장혜진 20211015
4 Shynar Zhurunova 20215233 김민서 20205019
5 Le, Khoa Anh 20215227 김기연 20194056
6 Sabina 20215232 변진환 20172112
7 Farhan Mahmood 20211116 권효재 20205009
8 Paola Castro 20211181 김태연 20205058
9 Mustapha Deji 20202096 박세준 20185066
10 Ho Tran Nguyen Anh 20214053 박희주 20215100
Language Education Center


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.


123 Cheomdan-gwagiro(Oryong-dong), Buk-gu, Gwangju 61005, Republic of Korea
TEL: +82-62-715-6652

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