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Korean Language Course exemption

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작성자 최고관리자 작성일22-08-18 15:33 조회1,837회 댓글0건


    [Graduate students]
- Except for <Basic Korean>, Korean Proficiency Test is required before registering for courses.
- Korean proficiency test held by Korean instructor at LEC. so please contact Korean instructor at LEC(jessica21@gist.ac.kr).
[Undergraduate students]
Basic Korean, Beginner Korean 1, and Beginner Korean 2* course exemption is possible based on test results. However, at least one Korean language course is required for graduation.
- Korean proficiency test held by Korean instructor at LEC. so please contact Korean instructor at LEC(jessica21@gist.ac.kr).


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.


123 Cheomdan-gwagiro(Oryong-dong), Buk-gu, Gwangju 61005, Republic of Korea
TEL: +82-62-715-6652

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