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Winners of the 2021 1st Short Story Contest

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작성자 미래교육센터 작성일21-12-06 19:15 조회3,776회 댓글0건


Here are the winners from the 2021 LEC Short Story Contest.
1st place - 2021**13 Title: Daisy
2nd place - 2021**27 Title: What if there are witches and wizards living among us? 
3rd place - 2021**17 Title: Here comes back Humanity…
Honorable mentions - 202**111 Title: A non-Love Story,
                                     202**073 Title: “There are seven days left until the end of the earth.”
Please refer to the links to read the TOP 3 and honorable mention's stories in full.
> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Y1YsNSNHK2Oc58u14ZbNI7X0EdLZ9V3Y?usp=sharing
The winners can pick up your prize and certificate from 13th Dec (Mon) to 17th (Fri) at College B 102 LEC office and the participants' gift will be sent to your mobile on 13th Dec (Mon).
Thank you, again, to everyone who participated. We look forward to seeing more participants next year!
Best regards,
Language Education Center


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