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2022 Fall Trivia Night Announcement

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작성자 최고관리자 작성일22-10-06 13:51 조회1,804회 댓글0건


2022 Fall Trivia Night Announcement

Are you ready to show off your knowledge while competing with your classmates and winning great prizes? Join us for our Fall LEC Trivia Night. You can solve puzzles, answer trivia and have a great time in a relaxing environment. 


This semester, Trivia Night will be held in-person!


Teams of 2-3 students may compete. No solo teams!

Registration is limited so sign up quickly.


Trivia night categories will include Sports, Flags, Name that Song and many more fun and exciting topics. There will be something for everyone's interests. 



1st place: Pizza
2nd place: Donuts

3rd place: Coffee
All participants: Baskin Robbins single scoop


Event Date: November 3rd, 4pm.

Event Location: College Building A, 225



Registration (link):  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSey3505wJ9idCSKdXrcgynDUWbIFKbyQ-Sutp6NnMc11rPdMg/viewform?usp=sf_link



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TEL: +82-62-715-6652

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