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2022 LEC Korean Acrostic Poem Contest 삼행시 짓기 대회

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작성자 최고관리자 작성일22-09-23 13:36 조회2,520회 댓글0건



Prizes: Starbucks tumbler for top 3 winners, Starbucks gifticon for 200 participants(raffle).
Eligibility: All GIST members (Both international and Korean)
Deadline: October 28th (Fri.), 2022
Announcement of the Winner: November 4th (Fri.), 2022 on the LEC website.
(1) Compose a Acrostic poem(삼행시) with given this three letters ‘가나다’,
※ Acrostic poem(삼행시): Separate each letter of a given word and write a poem that begins with that letter. In this contest, the given word is ‘가나다’, so you have to connect the words that start with 가, 나 and 다 to form a short poem.
 가: 가지고 싶은 마음이 있다.
 나: 나에게 아름다운 한글을 선물해 준,
 다: 다른 사람을 사랑하는 세종대왕의 마음
(2) Any poem is fine. If it contains the meaning of Hangeul Day or the love of Hangeul, it will be considered as an excellent work.
(3) If you have any questions or need help, feel free to contact the LEC.
(1) Submit the Acrostic poem through Google Survey link
(2) Deadline: 2022 October 28th (Friday) 23:59PM (late submissions will not be accepted).
(3) By entering this contest, participants give LEC permission to post their work on various online platforms such as webpages for LEC, GIST, and GIST College as well as LEC’s YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook page.
LEC admin: sijackie@gist.ac.kr / T.062-715-3703


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123 Cheomdan-gwagiro(Oryong-dong), Buk-gu, Gwangju 61005, Republic of Korea
TEL: +82-62-715-6652

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