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2022 GIST LEC Essay Contest

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작성자 최고관리자 작성일22-03-16 09:22 조회4,379회 댓글0건



2022 GIST LEC Essay Contest
Essay topic: The Importance of Creativity in Science and Engineering
Deadline: May 10th, 2022 (submit essay before midnight to gistlec.essay@gmail.com)
Open to all currently enrolled GIST students (undergraduate, graduate, and exchange).
Note: There are no restrictions with regards to a student's country of origin.
Winners will be announced on May 26, 2022!
Prizes include: Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 • Apple AirPods Pro • Samsung Galaxy Watch 4
Contest rules (please read the rules carefully before submitting your essay -- students who fail to follow the rules may be disqualified from the contest): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ng5Hac_2QXQozqkDvTgAtXMXMcMA80ji01TB64tgVsE/edit?usp=sharing
Scoring rubric (see how the judges will be evaluating your essay):
(1) Write a formal academic essay on the provided topic that supports your main claim or suggestion. Participants are strongly encouraged to use references and reliable source information to support their ideas.
(2) Winners will be able to choose a prize from the provided items
(3) Essays must be a participant’s original work that has not been published before or previously submitted as homework or a contest entry.
(4) When quoting or referring to other people’s words or ideas, participants must use proper in-text citation and include a reference list at the end of their essay.
(5) All currently enrolled GIST students (undergraduate, graduate, and international students) can participate.
(6) If you have any questions or need help, feel free to contact an LEC instructor.
(1) No more than 1200 words.
(2) Participants should not include their names in their entry, but should use their student number as their file title (e.g. 20195432.docx)
(3) Essays will be checked for plagiarism. Any students who plagiarize will be disqualified from this and future contests.
(4) Essays should include original and informative titles (not simply copying the contest topic or “Essay Contest Entry”).
(1) Submit your completed essay to gistlec.essay@gmail.com with the subject line Essay Contest 2022.
(2) Deadline: 2022 May 10th (Tuesday) 23:59 (late submissions will not be accepted).
(3) By entering this contest, participants give LEC permission to post their work on various online platforms such as webpages for LEC, GIST, and GIST College as well as LEC’s Instagram and Facebook page.
(4) After the deadline, when all entries are received and cataloged by an LEC administrator, participants will receive an invitation to take part in a Google survey regarding the contest.  This survey invitation serves as confirmation that LEC received your essay.   If you submit your essay on time but do not receive a Google survey invitation within 24 hours of the deadline, contact the LEC.
Language Education Center, College B – 102, 062-715-3703


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123 Cheomdan-gwagiro(Oryong-dong), Buk-gu, Gwangju 61005, Republic of Korea
TEL: +82-62-715-6652

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