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2021 Fall Workshop: Check your "Pronunciation Profile"

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작성자 최고관리자 작성일21-11-11 10:42 조회3,059회 댓글0건


Title: Check your "English Pronunciation Profile"
Date: Friday, November 19th
Time: 16:00-17:30
Presenter: Ms. Martinez
Want to improve your English pronunciation? In this workshop, students will have a chance to learn about the various elements of clear pronunciation, including word stress, intonation patterns, word endings, thought groups, and more. They will also have the opportunity to take a diagnostic test to set individual priorities for improvement! This test involves both listening and speaking, so registrants will be asked to email an audio file before or after the workshop (more details upon registration).

Zoom Meeting ID: 821 2662 2920
Password: english
Zoom Link: 


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