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Winners of the 3rd Essay Contest!

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작성자 EEC 작성일15-06-04 00:03 조회5,274회 댓글0건


Congratulations, Winners of the 3rd English Essay Contest!
The Language Education Center (LEC) is pleased to announce the winners of the 3rd GIST English Essay Contest as follows:
1stprize           20141202
2ndprize          20132071
3rdprize          20142053
Runner-up      20125033

All the winners are kindly asked to email to center(darin@gist.ac.kr) for identification and also for details on the award ceremony scheduled on early next week (Mon or Tue). Specific date and time will be announced through email.

Also, the LEC would like to thank ALL the contestants and award them a participant prize. Please come with your id and claim your prize (Between June 8th ~ June 12th/ 9:00AM~6:00PM)!
We promise the Contest will return soon!


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TEL: +82-62-715-6652

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