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GIST College Students to be Featured on Radio Program, The Great Debat…

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작성자 LEC 작성일15-04-23 16:58 조회7,603회 댓글0건



On Sunday, April 12, members of the GIST Debate Society visited the Gwangju Foreign Network (GFN) radio station to record a debate for an upcoming episode of the monthly program, The Great Debaters. The topic was “developing countries should not host international sporting events”. Soohyun Choi, Hyerin Cho, and Dongmin Kang defended the motion as the government team, while Jiheon Kim, Seungtae Kim, and Jabin Koo argued against it as the opposition team.


The program will air on Saturday, April 25 at 9:00am. You can tune into GFN 98.7 in Gwangju, or listen live at http://www.gfn.or.kr/. It will also be posted on the site as AOD (Audio on Demand) at a later date.

For more information about the GIST Debate Society, you may email the director of the debate society, Kristen Apruzzese, at

For more information about the GIST Debate Society, you may email the director of debate, Kristen Apruzzese, at kristen@gist.ac.kr


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