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Congratulations again to the winners of the 2nd English Essay Contest!

페이지 정보

작성자 EEC 작성일14-10-22 16:06 조회5,964회 댓글0건






Please find the winning essays in the attachment.

Students are reminded that,  in order to ensure the impartiality of the contest, all entry submissions should be anonymous. Therefore, we would like to make clear that students who place their name on the form,  or on their uploaded file, will be disqualified from the competition.

 When uploading your file please use the title: essaycontest_(studentnumber)

The four judges of the Second English Essay Contest, as with the First, looked for essays that incorporated a creative perspective and clear thesis, along with well-reasoned support and evidence. The judges found a clear win in the essay below. The winning essay initially stood out in its uncommon approach of disagreeing with the prompt and further proved to merit the first place win by providing a clear and strong thesis with well thought out reasons and details, as well as in excellent organization.  

Many congratulations to the first place and other winners! A job very well done! We also thank all the entrants and look forward to hosting the next contest in spring 2015.


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