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Winners of the 4th Essay Contest!

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작성자 LEC 작성일15-10-30 15:28 조회4,594회 댓글0건


Congratulations, Winners of the 4th English Essay Contest!
The Language Education Center (LEC) is pleased to announce the winners of the 4th GIST English Essay Contest as follows: 

3rdprize          20155046

Runner-up      20142094

All the winners are kindly asked to email to center(jjs1217@gist.ac.kr) for identification and also for details on the award ceremony scheduled on Tuesday, November 3rd.
Also, the LEC would like to thank ALL the contestants and award them a participant prize. Please come with your id and claim your prize (Between November 2nd ~ November 13th/ 9:00AM~6:00PM)!
We promise the Contest will return soon!


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TEL: +82-62-715-6652

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