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2018 Speech Contest Information!(Deadline extended until 12th)

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작성자 최고관리자 작성일18-09-11 16:55 조회4,060회 댓글0건


2018 Speech Contest Information

THEME:  “How has GIST shaped who I am. . . .”
                   i.e. "How has GIST changed or influenced who I am today?"
1st Prize: iPad mini
2nd Prize: E-scooter
3rd Prize: Bluetooth headphones
(1) Submit a 3 minute video of your speech addressing the theme “How has GIST shaped who I am. . . .”  
(2) Speech must be your original work.
(3) Finalists will present a 5 -7 min version their speech live in a final competition on Nov 8th.
(4) All currently enrolled GIST students that are non-native English speakers (undergraduate or graduate) can participate.
(5) If you have any questions or need help, feel free to contact an LEC instructor.

(1) Up to 3 minutes in duration, the video should be filmed in one cut (without editing).
(2) Should not use any presentation aids (i.e. NO .ppts, visuals, or handheld items.)
(3) Quality of video (HD, etc.) is NOT a part of the scoring criteria. (Don't send large files)
(4) Students should use their student number as their file title (e.g. 20163702.mpg, 20163702.avi)

(1) Please upload your videos using the following address  LEC Speech Con 2018    
     If you are having trouble with any of the provided links, as an alternative please send your videos and or concerns to this email address:  lec.gist+speech2018@gmail.com 

(2) Extended Deadline: 2018 Oct 12th (Friday) 23:59PM (late submissions will not be accepted).

2018 Fall Speech Contest Title Poster.png


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