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[2023 도란도란 6기] Language Exchange Program Group Announcement

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작성자 미래교육센터 작성일23-04-03 17:05 조회1,216회 댓글0건


[2023 도란도란 6기] Language Exchange Program Group Announcement
Thank you for your interests in LEC’s Language Exchange Program.
We are grateful to announce that you have been selected to join our Language Exchange Program(도란도란) for the 2023 Spring semester.
(*the order of receipt of documents)
No. 이름
1 Fa*ma B*d
2 엄*욱
3 김*진
4 Alt* Za*
5 Mer* Ali*
6 엄*준
7 서*별
8 김*경
9 Kat* Cc* Ma*
10 Nara* Mu* Don On* Ras*
11 윤*인
12 이*엽
13 류*찬
14 김*규
16 김*규
15 박*형
17 Tag* M.M Do*
18 Han* Has* Ma*
19 Tah*, Muh* Um*
20 Clot* Lia*
21 Eli* Sou*
22 Sch*,Ma*
The orientation schedule is as follows. Please remember that this is an event that you must attend.
ㅇ Date - 4.5 (Wed)
ㅇVenue- A mini theater next to the library cafe
ㅇ Time - 5:30 - 6:00 (about 30 minutes)
ㅇContents- Schedule and method of language exchange activities, exchange of greetings and contact information with partners, taking group photos
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
CFE (Language Education)


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.


123 Cheomdan-gwagiro(Oryong-dong), Buk-gu, Gwangju 61005, Republic of Korea
TEL: +82-62-715-6652

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