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[DoranDoran] Announcement of outstanding activity teams

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작성자 미래교육센터 작성일22-12-15 10:30 조회1,401회 댓글0건


Dear DoranDoran Members!
We are delighted to announce the selection of Doran Doran's outstanding activity teams as follows.
First of all, we must first say that it was very difficult to rank.
Teams that met the Doran Doran program theme (cultural exchange, language exchange), had gotten to know each other, and faithfully submitted videos received excellent scores.
We would like to express our gratitude once again to the members who participated hard for Doran Doran in the fall of 2022.
1st place team (prize: Galaxy Watch)
Far*, Moh* Ahm*+한*
2nd place team (prize: Galaxy Buds)
Tokaz* Gal* +최*
3rd place team (prize: high quality selfie stick)
Kuma*, Sab*+함*
All participants will receive a small traditional souvenir. Participants who complete the survey can pick up the prizes & souvenirs at College B Room 102 11AM-2PM on December 15th & 9AM-6PM on December 16th.
We look forward to seeing you through another LEC programs afterwards.
Language Education Center


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