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Winners of the 2022 2nd Short Story Contest

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작성자 미래교육센터 작성일22-12-02 09:05 조회1,492회 댓글0건



Here are the winners from the 2022 LEC Short Story Contest.
  1. 1st place- 2020**62, An Inflection Point of no Return at Vagos
  2. 2nd place- 2017**48, “First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—”
  3. 3rd place- 2022**08, Summer 2029
  4. Honorable mentions- 2022**87, Zeal – her love
We will contact the winners soon!
And we recommend you read the excellent winning short stories attached..
Thank you, again, to everyone, who eagerly participated.
We look forward to seeing you in more various events next year!
Good luck in final exams!
Language Education Center


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